* The main reason of endometriosis is still unknown to researchers.* There is a theory saying that the endometrial tissue found in other
areas could be caused by retrograde menstruation (the menstruation blood
moves back towards the fallopian tubes and the pelvic cavity).
* The reason of retrograde menstruation is also unknown.* It should be clear that having retrograde menstruation can not be the
only reason behind endometriosis because there are many women who have
this kind of menstruation but not all of them have endometriosis.
* There is another possibility that the lining the inside of the organs
in the pelvis has primitive cells that can transform into a different
kind of cells including endometrial cells and this is called coelomic
* It is so probable that the transmission of endometrial cells during
certain surgeries like caesarian deliveries can be causing endometriosis
(it becomes evident in cases where endometriosis is found in surgical
operations scars).
* The theory of how endometriosis is found in rare places outside the
pelvis such as the brain or lungs is that cells might have been carried
with the lymph liquid.
About - عن المدونة
بطانة الرحم المهاجرة مرض سخيف بتعاني منه الستات والبنات .. كتير منهم مايعرفوش انه عندهم ولا حتى يعرفوا ايه هو فما بيبقاش عندهم الرعاية الكافية وده بيخلي المرض يتطور ويأثر على حياتهم .. في المدونة هنا احنا هنعرفك اكتر عن المرص: أعراصه وطريقة اكتشافة وطريقة التعامل معاه وأكتر .. تابعينا
Endometriosis is a very annoying disease that girls and women can suffer from .. many of them don't know they have and don't even know what it is so they don't get the required care which makes the disease evolve and affect their lives .. In this blog, we will tell you about the disease: its symptoms, how to discover it, how to deal with it and more .. don't miss a thing
Endometriosis is a very annoying disease that girls and women can suffer from .. many of them don't know they have and don't even know what it is so they don't get the required care which makes the disease evolve and affect their lives .. In this blog, we will tell you about the disease: its symptoms, how to discover it, how to deal with it and more .. don't miss a thing
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- إيه هي بطانة الرحم المهاجرة؟ - What is Endometriosis?
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- What are the reasons of having endometriosis?
- توزيع فلايرز منطقة دار السلام
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- بوست/منشور ليس له علاقة بالحملة و لكنه مفيد للتعام...
- طُرق التعامل مع الألم التي تسببه بطانة الرحم المها...
- إزاي بنشخص مرض ال endometriosis بطانة الرحم المهاجرة؟
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