كلمة شكر. A thank you note

فيه شخص في حياتي آمن بيا وبقدراتي .. علمني اني ابقى قوية .. اني اتحدى الألم وما اخليهوش يقف في طريقي .. علمني اني اضحك في وش اصعب ظروف وادوس عليها واعدي .. لولاه ماكنتش وصلت لأي حاجة وصلتلها دلوقتي ولا كنت اتعلمت حاجات كتير قوي ورغم اختلاف اراءنا في بعض الاوقات الا اني وعدت ولسه بوعد اني مش هخذله أبدا ودايما هخليه فخور بيا

There is someone in my life who believed in me and my capabilities .. he taught me to be strong .. to challenge pain and not to let it affect my life .. he taught me to laugh at the toughest circumstances, step over them and get myself to the other side .. if it wasn't for him, i wouldn't have been who i am today and i wouldn't have learned many things in my life, and despite our different points of view at times, i promised and still promise not to let him down and that i will always make him proud of me.

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